The Ullabeth Sätterlund Larsson Award
Professor Ullabeth Sätterlund Larsson
(1939 – 2004)
Ullabeth was the president of EACE between 1995 and 1997. She hosted the first Swedish EACE meeting in Linköping 1993 and she was an active member of EACE and regularly attended EACE and American Association for Cancer Education (AACE) meetings.
Ullabeth was professor at the Institute of Health Care Pedagogics at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg University, Sweden, and also Assistant Dean at the new Faculty of Health and Caring Sciences. She belonged to the first generation of Swedish nurses, who achieved a doctoral degree and made an academic career.
She gained her nursing degree in 1961 and was educated as a nursing tutor in 1965 in Göteborg at the Institute of Health Care Pedagogics, where she was later to become the Head of Department from 1979-1983.
She finished her doctoral studies in 1989 at Tema Communication Studies at Linköping University and defended her thesis “Being Involved – Patient Participation in Health Care”. After her public defence, she was employed as a Senior Lecturer of Communication at Linköping University, where in 1994 she also became an Associate Professor. She has worked as a research assistant at the Swedish Medical Research Council and been a research fellow at Clark University, Worchester, USA, where her international network flourished.
In 1994 she was back at the Institute of Health Care Pedagogics in Göteborg and contributed with her enthusiasm and skills in building up the doctoral programme in health care pedagogics as a research supervisor, teacher and also as Head of the Department.
During 1997-1999 she was the Director of Research at Vänersborg University College of Health Sciences and in 2000 at The University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla.
In 2000 Ullabeth became a full professor of Health Care Pedagogics at Göteborg University. Her research focused mainly on communication, health and life style. She has supervised a large number of PhD-students who now carry on her research legacy. From 2002 to 2004 she was head of a national research platform at the Swedish Vårdal Institute.
This prize has been founded in memory of Professor Ullabeth Sätterlund Larsson, who always with great generosity, warmth and care received newcomers on the scientific arena.
With great enthusiasm, extraordinary skills and humour, she opened the door for a large number of people who wanted to go into research and development work. In line with her caring legacy and her encouraging and confirming attitudes towards new researchers, the Board of the European Association for Cancer Education and Ullabeth Sätterlund Larsson’s family have decided to give this prize to a first time presenter, who has demonstrated innovation in cancer education.